Your Questions and Answers About IPL Hair Removal

All hair is composed of dead protein. The superficial appearance of your hair depends on its anatomical location. Thick dark hairs grow in the nostrils, pubic areas, male jawline and on the brows and eyelids. Fine poorly pigmented hairs tend to grow on different parts of the face, such as the foreheads and upper checks. As one gets older, these characteristics tend to change. Some people may develop excess hair on their legs, arms, face and other parts of the body. It is important to ensure that the excess hair is removed in order to have a smooth skin at all times. One of the most recent methods of removing excess hair is IPL Hair Removal. Below are some of the most commonly asked questions about the use of IPL in hair removal.

What exactly is IPL?

IPL, which stands for Intense Pulsed Light, is a technology used by medical and cosmetic professionals to perform different treatments of the skin. The process entails the use of a broad spectrum light source with a general spectra range of 500 to 1200nm. Unlike laser treatments, which have one wavelength emitted from the diode, IPL uses multiple wavelengths that scatter within the skin.

How is IPL used to remove excess hair?

During hair removal, IPL is introduced on the skin surface. The pulsed light is then absorbed by chromophore( skin melanin). It is then attracted to the pigment in the follicle, where it heats it up and kills the stem cells in the bulge region of the hair follicle. This helps to prevent the formation of new hair in the future.

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How do you prepare for an IPL hair removal treatment?

If you are planning to have an IPL hair removal treatment, you should limit electrolysis, plucking and waxing six weeks before the undergoing the treatment. You are also required to avoid sun exposure for six week before and after the treatment.

What happens after an IPL hair removal procedure?

When the procedure is completed, your medical expert may give anti-inflammatory creams or lotions, ice packs, or water to ease any discomfort. You may schedule your next 4 to 6 weeks later. Depending on the efficiency of the treatments, you will continue getting treatments until the hair stops growing.

These are just some important details you should about the use of intense pulsated light in Hair Removal. To get the best results, you must make sure that you hire a technician who has adequate knowledge of the entire treatment. For more information about hair removal, go to ipl hair removal.